Survey Support Services

GSO provides skilled personnel and quality equipment for geophysical and geotechnical surveys worldwide

GSO supplies strictly skilled personnel and quality equipment for geophysical and geotechnical surveys. We ensure that clients receive the services they expect from a reliable provider of support services

Geophysical Survey Services

⦁ Geophysical Data Acquisition,
⦁ Data Processing and Interpretation,
⦁ Quality Reporting and Data Presentation,
⦁ Sub-Sea Construction Assistance,
⦁ Cable- and Pipelay Support,
⦁ Personnel Hires.

GSO key-personnel all have more than 15 years of experience in marine geophysical surveys.
GSO maintains a worldwide network of experienced geophysical, geotechnical and geological professionals and can provide the right personnel for any geophysical/geotechnical survey project.

GSO personnel have been involved in a wide range of geophysical surveys:

⦁ Wellsite Surveys,
⦁ Pipeline & Cable Route Surveys,
⦁ Bathymetric Surveys and Geophysical Seabed Investigations,
⦁ Geophysical Assistance in Offshore Windpark Engineering Surveys,
⦁ Pipeline Inspections,
⦁ UXO Surveys,
⦁ Geophysical Surveys for Sub-sea Construction.

Geotechnical Survey Services

All GSO personnel have been extensively involved in geotechnical surveys, in combined geophysical/ geotechnical surveys as well as in dedicated geotechnical investigations, in shallow water and in the near-shore transition zone as well as in deep water.

Geotechnical surveys activities performed by GSO personnel include:

Seabed- and sub-bottom sediment sampling applying;
⦁ Van Veen Grab sampler,
⦁ Shipek Grab Sampler,
⦁ Box Corer,
⦁ Drop corer,
⦁ Gravity corer,
⦁ Piston Corer
⦁ Vibro Corer

Performing offshore Cone Penetration Tests (CPT).

Personnel Hires

Contrary to just providing instrument operators or “geo’s”, GSO offers geophysically educated personnel that are not only experienced instrument operators but also capable of processing and interpreting the acquired geophysical data and well versed in writing reports, offshore preliminary reports as well as complete final reports.

GSO key-personnel all have more than 15 years of experience in marine geophysical and geotechnical surveys.

We are specialists in the processing of VHR and 2D-UHR seismic data acquired with our own sparker systems. Moreover GSO personnel understand their equipment like an engineer. Apart from the in-house expertise with VHR and UHR sparker systems, GSO personnel have extensive experience in acquisition, processing and interpretation of side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, multi-channel HR seismic and magnetometer data.

GSO key-personnel have extensive experience with the most commonly applied processing and
interpretation software packages:

⦁ Coda Geosurvey Geokit
⦁ Coda Survey Engine Sidescan+
⦁ Coda Survey Engine Seismic+
⦁ Coda GeoSurvey Pipeline Inspection
⦁ SeisSpace Promax
⦁ IHS Markit Kingdom.

Over the last few years we have developed and applied new techniques in processing 2D-UHR multi-channel seismic data that have led to results previously thought not possible.

Geophisical Data Example Panel

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Geophysical Services Offshore B.V.
Seinhuiswachter 14-16
3034 KH Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0)10 7410003

About GSO B.V.

GSO is a young company established in 2009 with a core of personnel experienced in all aspects of Geophysical and Geotechnical surveys

Contact us

Geophysical Services Offshore B.V.
Seinhuiswachter 14-16
3034 KH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)10 7410003

About GSO B.V.

GSO is a young company established in 2009 with a core of personnel experienced in all aspects of Geophysical and Geotechnical surveys

Contact us

Geophysical Services Offshore B.V.
Seinhuiswachter 14-16
3034 KH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)10 7410003