Our Expertise
GSO key-personnel have broad expertise in all aspects of geophysical and geotechnical investigations through many years
GSO key-personnel have been involved over many years in all aspects of geophysical and geotechnical investigations, offshore as well as on shore, in deep as well as in shallow water and in the littoral transition zone.
⦁ Seabed and Shallow Sub-Bottom Investigations
⦁ Well Site Surveys, “Analogue” as well as “Digital” Multi-channel Seismic.
⦁ Pipeline and Cable Route Surveys
⦁ Pipeline Inspection Surveys
⦁ UXO Surveys
⦁ Offshore Windpark Engineering Surveys
We are experts in High-Resolution (HR) and Ultra-High-Resolution (UHR) Survey operations. This is based on many years of involvement in the industry, but also on an educated, innovative way of approaching new challenges.
Over the last few years we have developed and applied new techniques in UHR multi-channel processing that have led to results previously thought not possible.
Extensive experience in data acquisition
Our experience covers the use of standard but also of less conventional means in support of geophysical/geotechnical data acquisition, like hovercraft, amphibious vehicles, swamp-boats, jack-up barges and towed survey platforms.
Apart from our expertise in the application of Sparker Systems, in Single Channel as well as Multi Channel configurations GSO key-personnel have extensive experience in data acquisition with a broad range of geophysical instruments such as:
⦁ Boomers,
⦁ Airguns,
⦁ Sub-bottom Profilers,
⦁ Side Scan Sonar Systems,
⦁ Multi-Beam Echo Sounders,
⦁ Magnetometers.
GSO started in 2009 and in the years since then we have been involved in virgin-area reconnaissance surveys, offshore geophysical/geotechnical surveys, windfarm park projects, UXO surveys, blow-out evaluations and in various special projects. Due to the extensive experience of our key- personnel, we can demonstrate a track record of working worldwide on a wide range of survey projects under all possible conditions. The projects we have been involved in range from the shallow water and near-shore transition zone to the very deep offshore.
Projects divided by resources/tasks
- Geophysical/Geotechnical Surveys 34%
- Pipeline Inspection Surveys 8%
- Windfarm Area Surveys 10%
- UXO Surveys 2%
- Data Process, Interp and Rept 7%
- Consulting Services (general) 12%
- Equipment Rental 21%
- Personnel Hires 6%
About GSO B.V.
Contact us
Geophysical Services Offshore B.V.
Seinhuiswachter 14-16
3034 KH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)10 7410003
About GSO B.V.
Contact us
Geophysical Services Offshore B.V.
Seinhuiswachter 14-16
3034 KH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)10 7410003